How happy and proud the parents, if they have the smart, clever and loyal child. Because of that, as a good student, you must study hard, in order to achieve the good mark. You have to realize and evaluate yourselves toward what you’ve done before. When you study, you have to think about what the lesson have to be defended, promoted and remediated. However, if you are a good student you will do your best to achieve your goals.
At home, try to study and do your homework in a place that doesn’t make you sleep. It is advisable to have a dedicated study table or desk. You don’t do your study work on the bed or in front of the TV, radio, stereo, etc. That would be pointless because you are meant to be thinking about your studies. You should also have a daily routine or timetable to guide you, but you must follow it through.
In the below, there are the best ways to become a good student and what should you prepare to face the test or exam.
1. when you have a class, listen to your teacher carefully. You need to pay attention in class. You don’t ever start chatting with your friends when the teacher turns their back to you. When you have problems and doubt about the lesson, you will have the chance to discus directly with the teacher. You must start the lesson slowly, day by day! This condition will make studying easier.
2. have a look at the book to get the general idea. At this point, you can proceed in different ways or you can try all of them and decide which one is the best for you.
3. underpin the most important passages of the book and write something aside to be able to revise easily.
4. read many times the book, to memorize as much as you can. If you feel distracted, take a short break of 15 minutes or less, or try to do unrelated activity learning such as listening to the music or watching the movie. Book mark the page and then you can read it later on.
5. when you have read a book, try to write a summary, perhaps also using your notes and other books or type the summary into the computer. Doing this, you will cut the job and you will focus on the most important parts. Moreover, preparing a summary will help you in memorizing things easily.
6. when you have the exam, you don’t ever cheat. If you cheat from your friend, always remember cheating will make you lose or fool, because if your friends answer is wrong your answer is wrong too. So if you don’t know the answer so leave it. If you cheat and you get full marks, the real happiness will not touch your heart. Be honest...!!
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