Monday, 2 May 2011

How to Feel Confident about Public Speaking ??ƪ(‾.‾“)┐

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      Acknowledge the universal nature of your predicament. Almost everyone in your audience has had a similar experience. They all support you and want you to succeed.

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      Take your time. Keep yourself from rushing into speaking before you feel comfortable. Become aware of your feet on the floor. Consciously slow down your breathing. Notice the details of the space around you. Take as much time as you need to become fully present to your surroundings.

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      Connect with your audience. Notice individual people in your audience and smile at them, knowing that they want you to succeed. Feel your heart connecting to theirs. Allow yourself to be open and real.

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      Relax yourself with your own voice. When you begin speaking, feel the resonance of your voice. Breathe and speak slowly enough so that you can feel the vibrations of your voice in your body. Your voice can have the soothing effect of an internal massage!

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      Use humor. Say something that makes everyone laugh. If you don't like telling jokes, just say something funny. You can even poke fun at yourself for feeling so terrified! Laughter is a wonderful way to shift everyone in the room, including you, into lightheartedness and ease.

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      Now that you are feeling more relaxed and connected, your well-prepared presentation will flow right along. Make it your priority to have fun with it. Enjoy being the center of attention and feeling confident about your public speaking!


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